
Domains and subdomains: what they are and how they differ

Internet jargon includes some concepts which are very similar and can cause confusion when it comes to defining them. Two of these are domain and subdomain. What defines them and where do they come into the picture?

We are already familiar with the domain, which is the name we are known by online, a name which is easy to remember and easy to write, associated with a physical internet IP address where our page is housed. A subdomain is basically a domain which forms part of a larger one.

Contrary to what one might think, a subdomain is not a subsection of our domain. For instance, if the domain name is, the subdomain would not be That would be a page within a domain. A subdomain would be something like

A subdomain is a new independent website, but without the need to create another domain. It can have its own subsections and function on its own.

Why create a subdomain?

There are various advantages to creating a subdomain. The first is that different sections can be organised completely independently of the website content published on the main domain. This is the main purpose of a subdomain: to separate the different sections of a website and organise content more effectively.

Another reason is to avoid loading your main domain up with information. In practice it is another domain with its own images, extensions and pages. This makes browsing quicker.

Finally, another notable advantage is that you won’t have to pay for another domain. Many registration companies include unlimited subdomains in the price of the domain.

How do I create a subdomain?

First of all, you need to think about the name you want to give it. The shorter and more descriptive it is, the better. For instance, if it is to host an online store, it is best to call it, so users can see where they are straight away.

Creating a subdomain is not complicated. On the control panel offered by the registration company for your domain there should be a relatively simple option allowing you to create one. Either way, don’t hesitate to check with the technical department and enjoy the advantages of having a subdomain for your .barcelona.