.barcelona is a city of women

Streets, squares and parks are named after men in most cities in the world. So what’s the story with women? US artist and writer Rebecca Solnit pondered this and came up with the “City of Women” project in 2019, symbolically renaming all the subway stations in New York. London followed suit in 2022 and Barcelona is doing the same to mark 8M, International Women’s Day, with ciutatdedones.barcelona.

The project “Barcelona, ciutat de dones” highlights the extraordinary contribution of many women who have left their mark in different spheres in our city and society. Writers, activists, teachers, singers, actresses, doctors and others have all symbolically given their names to stations on the metro network and urban stops on the FGC train network.

We’ve also given women a greater presence among the city’s street names in all districts. Barcelona now has Plaça de Valerie Powles, Carrer de Lola Iturbe and the Jardins de Carme Claramunt.At ciutatdedones.barcelona you can retrace the history of these women and read their biographies. Are you familiar with Josefa Vilaret, Dolors Aleu or Pilar Aymerich? Discover their stories. Start your journey around the City of Women #CiutatdeDones.

The third City and Science Biennial is here

The City and Science Biennial is set to turn the city into a space for debate and reflection from 21 to 26 February, with a programme based around living: on the planet, in the city, human life in general and the scientific community in particular. You’ll find all the activities to be enjoyed on the website biennalciutaticiencia.barcelona.

Round tables, debates, lectures, theatre, art installations and more make up the programme for this edition, which is grouped into four topic areas:

  • Living in the city: at a time when over half the global population lives in urban environments.
  • Living in equity: with options for moving forward in equal rights and opportunities in all spheres.
  • Living with science: to explore and understand the daily work of scientists.
  • Living creativity: the points where art and science meet open up new doors for us to find solutions for today’s needs.

Activities for the biennalciutaticiencia.barcelona are being held around ten spaces close to each other in the Raval neighbourhood in Ciutat Vella. In addition, and as with previous editions, the event is complemented by the activities in the +Biennal, organised by local municipal facilities, cultural centres and other organisations and institutions promoting scientific knowledge and reflection among the general public.