BCN Market’s got the dot!

The new online shop for city establishments, BCN Market, went live with a .barcelona domain and is now fully operative.

The website is a virtual shop window for neighbourhood commerce, facilitating sales both online and in person and enabling customers to see the product catalogues for all establishments, reserve and purchase items from home which can then be collected from the premises or home-delivered.

This open and collaborative platform between establishments has the aim of generating physical and online traffic for local businesses, helping local people find what they are looking for in city shops and provide an alternative to large online sales sites.

In addition, the BCN Market website allows users to download the Bonus Consum, 280,000 vouchers of 20 euros each which can be exchanged at local shops, services and restaurants until 31 December, and where the interested party pays 10 euros and the City Council pays the other 10 euros. These vouchers are being promoted jointly with Barnacom (the organisation which groups together the city’s shopping hubs under Barcelona Comerç and Barcelona Oberta), Comertia, Pimec, Foment del Treball, the Gremi de Restauració, the Agrupament de Botiguers i Comerciants de Catalunya and the Gremi d’Hotels de Barcelona.