
Why do they call it an address when it’s a domain?

When we decide to create a website, whether personal or for business, we need to take various things into account. Just like when we set up a company, we need an office and an address for it. In the language of technology, this has its own concepts. People know them, but it’s always useful to clarify which is which.


In the comparison with a company, the domain would be the postcode. This is the name of your website, which users must type into their browser when they look for you. It needs to be as clear and as simple as possible, ideally with the name of your company or initiative and a familiar extension which helps identify your business. The extension is what comes after the “dot”. A clear example of an address would be

The .barcelona domain accepts a broad list of special characters. What does that mean? It means you can use letters with accents or the ç or the ñ when you create your domain. If your company name contains one of these letters, it’s better to use it so that you can be recognised more easily.

Thinking of a name for your .barcelona domain can be a complex task, which we spoke about in one of our articles. Perhaps it will help you!


When we talk about hosting, we’re referring to where all our website information is housed. This would be our office. Once we’ve created the name, we need a space for all our material.

Hosting refers to the server where all our website information is housed, and so we need to choose our provider well. There are plenty of options to choose from and a wide range of prices, but we need to be sure our hosting is secure against internet attacks and that regular back-up copies are made. The information on your website is very valuable. It’s also important to have good technical support in case there’s an issue to resolve, which tends to happen more often than we think!

IP address

All websites have an IP address, but very often we don’t even see it. An IP consists of a set of unique numbers which identify our server. To go back to the comparison with a company, these would be the GPS coordinates to get there. We normally put the street name (domain) into our browser and not the coordinates, which are very complicated to remember. Yet what the browser really identifies is this specific IP.